Ambassador Huang Zheng Attended the Graduation Ceremony of the First Training Workshop on Coconut Pests Control Technologies
2018-07-10 16:19

      On July 5, 2018 H.E. Ambassador Huang Zheng attended the Graduation Ceremony of the First Training Workshop on Coconut Pests Control Technologies and awarded the certificates for the trainees. Acting Secretary Hubert Yamada of Federal Department of Resource & Development, Assistant Secretary Brendy Carl, Representatives from the Department of R&D of Pohnpei State, Madam Li Cuiying, DCM of the Chinese Embassy in the FSM, Mr. Xu Fan, head of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy, 12 experts from the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences and 25 trainees were present at the meeting.

      At the end of the ceremony, Acting Secretary Hubert Yamada of Federal Department of Resource & Development hosted a reception to send off the Chinese experts. The FSM side expressed the heartfelt thanks to the Chinese embassy for assisting the training workshop and hoped that the cooperation between China and the two countries in the field of human resources and technology could be further deepened.

      Ambassador Huang Zheng pointed out in his speech, "Mutual respect, equal treatment and common development are the essential characteristics of China FSM strategic partnership. The success of this training course once again proves that China is sincere and selfless to help our friends. China aid is to meet the most urgent and realistic needs of the local people. Our training program has made an important contribution to settle the survival problems of thousands of families in the region. We sincerely hope that friends in FSM can develop better and better and develop together with China. Next year is the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and FSM. I believe that there will be more and more similar exchanges between China and FSM, which will continue to benefit the two peoples and consolidate the friendship between the two countries and build our promising future together."


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